Monday 21 July 2014

Malala visit: Group berates Ezekwesili

Emeka Ibemere
A social- cultural organization

in Lagos State, has berated the former Minister of Education and Solid Mineral Dr. Oby Ezekwesili over her action in stopping the parents of the Chibok girls from seeing Mr President.
The Group, Eastern Union, EU, frowned at the wisdom of educated former Minister in preventing the grieved parents from having a chat with the President.
The Group in their assessment of the action of Ezekwesili said the action is inimical to the progress the government was making in rescuing the abducted girls.
According to Honourable Charles Anike, the Group National President, Ezekwesili by her action, seems to validate the suspicion of majority of Nigerians about the missing girls.
The Group also said if Ezekwesili was still working with the World Bank and still goes ahead to be tackling the President of Nigeria and the government policies, that it’s wrong. 
Anike stated that the actions of Ezekwesili could be mistaken by majority of uninformed Nigerians, that her actions were that of the World Bank opinion she was expressing, adding that the world organization should call her to order, if she was still the staff of the World Bank.
“Eastern Union condemns in strong terms the actions credited to Mrs. Oby Ezekwesili and her #BringBackOurGirls group. For preventing the parents of kidnapped Chibouk girls from meeting with President Goodluck Jonathan during the visit of Malala, the young Pakistanian activist and social crusader is wrong”, Anike state in a telephone chat.
“Such actions are a clear indication that some respected individuals are the real enemies of our progress. To this end, Nigerians are advised to begin to identify and number their enemies, no matter how they pretend and package their claims”.
Speaking further, he said that Mrs Ezekwesili has always found fault in every efforts of the present government. And that it was very unfortunate because it confirmed the general opinion expressed by some people, that most people who wants to remain relevant in the corridors of power are not always happy each time they lose such relevance.
“Once they are not in any government, they won’t see anything good or try to support such government. Many of such people in the recent time pretend to be human right crusaders”, Anike stated.
“What we are trying to point out is that, like Ezekwesili once they feel sidelined or if they are not among the key policy makers, they become antagonistic to the government and constitute themselves overnight- social crusaders and human right activists. Its time we begin to expose these people so they don’t continue to deceive Nigerians and the world that may mistake their real mission. Some are always coming out to play the scripts of their pay masters”.
The Group’s President disclosed that the former Minister has no reason whatsoever to misguide the parents of the kidnapped girls.
“She should not try to cry more than the bereaved or claim to be more concerned than the President and other Nigerians in struggle to rescue the chibok kidnapped girls and also end the insurgents”.
Last week, it would also be recalled that #BringBackOurGirls campaign led Dr. Oby Ezekwesili to the Senate President, Senator David Mark, raised dust and nearly turned to national disgrace. The Senate President had accused the Group of not telling them anything tangible about the rescue of the girls.
 During her presentation, Dr. Ezekwesili expressed anger and frustration over the manner the Federal Government handled the abduction of the over 238 girls of government secondary school Chibok, in Borno State by the Boko Haram goons, claiming that in other countries, it would not take few days for the government to embark on the rescue operation of the girls.
Ezekwesili said they came to meet the Senate President to ask him to help in giving them information as they were in solidarity with the girls, adding that there had not been any information on the efforts of government towards rescuing the girls to them.

According to Ezekwesili, her Group had faced harassment and intimidation in the hands of the government agents adding that her organization was on a genuine agitation. She equally stated that their effort to get into the National Assembly was a difficult one alleging that they were stopped and thoroughly screened by the security agents at the gate.

According to the former Minister, the team were not on a jamboree campaign because they were jobless but that they were touched by the predicament of the girls as mothers, adding that the biggest problem of her group was their fear that the girls could be forgotten like other things that happen in the country on daily basis.
Senator Mark told the group that the federal government had made frantic efforts towards ensuring that the abducted girls were released and that it was the government determination to see that the girls regained their freedom that made it to bring countries with experiences to help in the search of the girls.
The veteran soldier-politician said that at war time, all war resources are brought together to fight and that the government cannot fight terrorism successfully without information by the people.

He told the group not to work at cross purposes with the government and urged various campaign groups working for the release of the abducted to collaborate with all relevant government agencies for their eventual release.

He said, “I am not sure any Nigerian with blood flowing in his vein will be indifference to the plight of the Chibok girls. Government has not ruled out any option in the quest to free our girls. Let us be on the same wave length and free the girls alive. “The case of the Chibok girls is a sad commentary.  Nobody anticipated this ugly trend. We are all under stress locally and internationally. The situation does not call on anybody to grand stand. All hands must be on deck to rescue the girls.”
While thanking the initiative of the group led by Dr. Ezekwesili and Mariam Uwais, Mark reminded them that Boko Haram had declared war on Nigeria, a situation he said that required diplomacy and purposeful move towards ending the insurgency.
“We must do everything humanly possible to rescue the girls alive, end insurgency and terrorism in the land.  What is important to all of us is to work hard to bring our girls alive. Nobody should politicize this. Lives are involved and we are all fathers and mothers here. It is better imagined than witness.”

Speaking further, Mark also observed with apprehension, the conditions of the girls wherever they are and stated that nobody should put a time line on the release of the children, stating further that things have to be followed cordially, “We don’t want the children to be released in a manner they can’t come back. “My appeal to you is to adjust not to be seen as working at cross purposes with government. I don’t think any group should play politics with it. Our girls are suffering, whatever we can do to bring the girls back, and we will do it.”
Perhaps not satisfied with the Senate President’s appeal, Ezekwesili said that they were embarking on the agitation not personal issues other than the Chibok girls.
“We talk with almost with anger because of conflicting reports we are getting,” Dr. Ezekwesili said.
She said her group was worried on why it took the federal government such a long time before action could be taken on how to rescue the girls.
Ezekwesili also stated that her #BringBackOurGirls wanted a united front against the common enemy and a result from the rescue operation, adding thus, “this group is a group for the citizens and a group for Chibok girls. “You haven’t given us a very tangible response we can hold unto. I hope when we come back, we will have a tangible response.”
Irked by this comment, Senator Mark thundered, “I am sure you weren’t expecting me to tell you the girls are going to be rescued tomorrow. Let us not reduce it to what the people discus in classroom. “The point I am trying to make is that we should be at the same wave length, government is doing whatever they can, I don’t know the tangible answer you want, and you have not received. I am not in any dialogue with any member of Boko Haram. I am not a party to anybody rolling out option.”

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