Tuesday 16 July 2013

Help! Chiamaka Nwaruh, a girl with hole in the heart... needs N3m to live

…save my daughter, mother pleads with Nigerians
 Emeka Ibemere
  EVER cheerful from birth, Chiamaka Nwaruh born on August 23, 2007, is the darling of any child lover, The Nwaruh family are especially fond of her being the first child. Her radiant disposition kept everyone around her happy not until a year  ago
when she started taking ill.
‘‘We observed that she was coughing, took her to a private hospital where we were directed to Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH), what we thought was just a fever turned out to be a hole in the heart’’, Lamented her Mother who is a teacher in one private school in Lagos. In the summary of medical report, Dr. C.A.N. Okoromah stated that the clinical evaluation carried out indicated that she has a symptomatic cyanotic congenital heart disease and that echocardiography is yet to be carried out.

She added that Chiamaka requires further cardiovascular evaluation and possible open heart surgery to correct her heart abnormality in order to forestall irreversible and life-threatened complications from developing. The doctor submitted that open heart surgery for children is not currently available in the hospital.
Ever since then, the Nwaruh have being running from pillar to post, whenever she experiences a crisis which has since become the pattern, she will turn blue all over, breathing with pain and fatigued, and hardly able to eat.

Although Chiamaka is a very lively personality with high intelligence, this ailment has altered her happy going disposition; she goes in and out of hospital often thereby missing school all the time. In school, she is willing to join her peer at the playground but she withdraws back in pain and disappointment.
Her ability to live a normal life is endangered continually as her condition is deteriorating gradually; the current diagnosis revealed that her situation needs a very urgent surgical operation which will cost the sum a little above N3million.  While time is running out on her, the parents are pleading with all kind hearted people to come to her aid.

‘‘We beg all to join us in praying that God will approve whatever procedure and work through the hands of whoever is involved in the process of the medical operation. We are confident that God the almighty will use willing humans to bring about her healing.
Chiamaka’s parents can be reached on this telephone number 08028703389, those whose hearts are moved to help us out financially can donate to this account name: - Nwaruh Tejumola P. First Bank account number 3037805495. We pray that as you help in fighting for Chiamaka’s life, God in his infinite mercy will continue to meet you at your point of need. You can also reach Agozino Emmanuel, for more information.

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