Monday 9 September 2013

2015: Rev. Father’s appeal

Emeka Ibemere
Following the lingering political party crises in the virtually all the political parties in Nigeria, and other pockets of insecurity ravaging the country, a Reverend Father has called for caution among politicians and their followers not to allow the predictions of the United States of America to come true in 2015.
 Parish Priest of the Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Isashi, Lagos State, Very Reverend Father Andrew Ukonu, made the plea in a press conference on Thursday 5, September 2013, while charting with selected journalists on the state of the nation at the Conference hall of the Holy Family Catholic Church, Festac Town, Lagos State.
The Priest, who addressed the media said the pockets of political party crises and insurgencies of Boko Haram, Kidnapping, Niger-Delta Militant threats and other huge threats being witnessed in the country in the last few years are capable of derailing the unity and peace of the country, and called for caution among the political elites, public office holders, stakeholders, party leaders, and other interested parties to fashion out the best way to solve the internal party crisis ranging in the parties.
“Ladies and gentlemen of the Press, I welcome you all to this important Press briefing which we called in order to add my voice to those before me who have been calling for calm, understanding and sanity in the body politics of our great and dear nation, Nigeria,” Ukonu stated.
Speaking further, the man of God said he has to join in the plea for calm in the polity because, some politicians are trying or may have seen the present crises in the polity as a ‘do or die affair’ or means to enrich themselves to the detriment of the nation adding that they should have a rethink as the election season draws near for the interest of the larger masses of the country and for the upcoming generations yet unborn.
“I want to categorically say, that Nigeria as a nation if properly managed will not only be a flourishing country but will be the pride of the black race the world over, but this can only be possible in an atmosphere where peace, love, understanding, tolerance and most importantly, where the fear of God reigns supreme”.  
Ukonu who frowned at the impunity of corruption, crimes, poor leadership, crass nepotism, mismanagement and moral laxity among others said Nigeria could be a great country if purposeful leadership, peace, tolerance, unity and love are eschewed among the entities that make up the nation.
The Rev urged those fermenting trouble in the land because of politics and what they intend to gain to put the nation’s interest first before their selfish ambition. He asked them to allow God to reign in their hearts so that Nigeria would bounce back into the original country that God had created her to be; strong, rich and flourishing nation.
“So I call on Nigeria leaders and the led especially those who are killing, maiming and causing untold hardship to the masses of this great country in the name of politics and affluence to have a rethink and allow the love and the fear of God to reign in their hearts so that Nigeria will be a country that God originally created her to be; a strong, rich and a flourishing nation”, Father Ukonu pleaded.
The priest disclosed that Nigeria could overcome the present state of insecurity, poverty, corruption and many other vices plaguing the nation but said it could only be possible if the citizens of Nigeria would heed the word of God and work for God to permeate all the nooks and crannies of the nation.
 “And I must add that it is very important not just to support and encourage but we all must live according to the teachings and examples of our Lord Jesus Christ, in order to build a prosperous nation that will stand tall among the comity of nations”, Father Ukonu added.
Answering questions from journalists, the Reverend said he saw looming danger in the firmament of Nigerian politics through the crises rocking the political parties and the illicit activities of the dreaded sectarian group, Boko Haram should the problems persist without solution. He said no religion is supreme over other religion but what is needed was tolerance and unity. According to him, true governance comes from God. Politicians should do all that is necessary to use the resource giving to us by God to harness the peace and progress of the country. He blamed both the leaders and the led for the problems of the country because according to him, lack of vision and neglect of responsibility by the led are the causes of poor leadership. He disclose that the leaders of today where the followers or the led of yesterdays. He stated that the led forgot that one day; they would be called to a position of authority as leaders but for the fact that they never took responsibilities of their actions as the led and fail to learn wisely from the mistakes of the leaders, that when they are called to the position of authority, they commit the same mistake of the leaders which they failed to learn from his wrongs. He disclosed that the problem bedevilling the country at the moment was jarred towards the 2015 election adding that the corruption, selfishness rather than national interest are the factors that all the parties are at loggerhead.
“They are not planning or fighting for the interest and the future of the country but interested in building their empires and themselves. Nigerians will not pardon this generation of leaders if Nigeria should disintegrate”, the Reverend warned. Speaking on his own, Reverend Father Kevin Okuma, Priest in Residence, Lagos of the Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Isashi, Lagos State said he was optimistic that the crises going on in the land would reshape the country for good. According to him, crises would instead make the country great and position it in the right direction and focus. He mad biblical allusion when he said that even the Disciples of Jesus Christ had disagreements and divergent views yet it was for a purpose and it was for the unity and peace of the disciples in their propagation of the gospel. Nigeria will not disintegrate. We should be positive with what is going on now. We are experiencing personal differences and that is what is happening, and what is happening is for better focus”, Reverend Father Okuma, explained.  In another development, father Ukonu used the occasion to intimate journalists about the upcoming dinner and church building fund raising event on 29 September 2013, in Lagos State and asked Nigerians to help build a befitting place for God.
“This is my first place as a Parish Priest. I was posted here on the 17th April, 2010, because the Parish was just carved out from the Mother Parish from Saint Thomas Okoko. I am the first Parish Priest of the church here. The only structure we have as at that time was the Parish Priest’s house, built by one of the Parishioner, Mr. Ifeanyi Ufondu. There was no structure of church building. We worship at a batcher and every time it rains, flood will enter inside the church. The batcher has no ventilation, no seat and there was particularly nothing on the ground. So, we started from there, with no roof on our heads”. Reverend Ukonu further explained.
The Priest explained that the condition of the church is in a deplorable situation said that it was the condition that forced them into planning a befitting place for God.
 “For so long, we have been staying under the sun and rain worshiping God, so, we didn’t waste time to start planning for building a place for God. We are planning building a befitting cathedral for God. We went into action in less than a year, we are appealing to parishioners, friends and philanthropist, and we are carrying out a fund raising for that. We have raised money that helped us to have this foundation level now. We have embarked up on the project. The foundation we have now is strong because we don’t have space; the Lagos State Environmental Agency told us that the church building must have a park beneath the building. So, we spent money constructing the foundation”, he stated.

“We are planning to have another launching by 29th of September, 2013 to help us raise the building. We are appealing to people and friends to come and help us build a place for God. We know that when you build   for God, God builds for you. We are expecting over 200 friends and well-wishers. We have been making contacts and they have agreed to come and support us and we are looking at N500 million to help us finish the building from foundation to the end. We believe that there is nothing God cannot do. So, we wouldn’t want to be calling people every day that is why we intend to do it once and for all”.

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