Wednesday 16 October 2013

National Confab: women Group commend Jonathan, ask for slot

By Emeka Ibemere
Following the plan by the present government for the convocation of National Sovereign Conference, to discuss the way forward for the country, a Non Governmental Organization that seeks for the interest of rural women in the country has commended President Goodluck Jonathan’s democratic initiative in answering the clarion call to convocate National Conference.
   All State Woman Association of Nigeria in their last Independence general conference in Lagos State, while reviewing the President’s Independence speech praised Jonathan for his able leadership in trying to bring the country together, despite all the provocations from those who want power by all means.
Barrister Temple Nnedum, President General of the organization stated that the president’s move should be applauded by well meaning Nigerians. According to Nnedum, this has been the desires of many Nigerians in order to fix Nigeria in the right direction and that now that the President has yearned to the call, which everything possible should be done in order not to truncate it adding that the unity of Nigeria is not negotiable.
 “This has been the desire of Nigerian people but something kept on deterring it. We thank God that he has finally intervened on Unity of Nigerian people. We welcome such conference but we are asking that there should be no limit to the discussion to allow everyone to flow”.
Nnedum said there should be no grey areas or no go area in the Conference and urged the government to keep it open for democratic discussion.
The Association asked that no member of the National Assembly should be allowed to make any input on the members of the Committee because according to them, they are all biased politicians who would only allow their political interest to be discussed to the detriment of the national peace, unity and development.
The President of the Association called for community representation where each of the communities in Nigeria would be allowed to appoint their representatives rather than using those politicians at the NASS to discuss on the interest of the communities. The Group also called for the inclusion of professional bodies, Non Governmental Organizations (NGO), religious organizations, students, women groups, market women, labour unions, Teachers and other stakeholders in the Nigerian project.
“Also, we are demanding that members of the conference should be seen from the community chosen and NASS will not be inclusive due to the fact that their political minds are biased. So, we cannot get the best from them. In all we congratulate Mr. President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, over his independence celebration speech which was very clear and filled with great reforms and idea”, Nnedum stated.
Nnedum said with the move to discuss about the unity of Nigeria which the President has put in place, that it has reinforced the Group’s believe that the President meant well for Nigeria and her unity.  “Indeed, it speaks of Mr. President’s love for one nation, unity of Nigeria and her development”, she said.
“Also, we are of the opinion that this national dialogue should not be left in the hands of politicians and we pray that the proposed Committees set up to bring about the modalities of the national dialogue will take it upon themselves to fashion out the best necessary modalities”.
All State Women Association of Nigeria Worldwide; supported The president on the names chosen and praised him for  selecting men and women of integrity who have been  tested and trusted as elderly Statesmen and women and prayed that they should put first the interest of then country before other tribal, ethnic and political affiliations.
 “The names listed are well selected and trusted, and we believe that they will come with good and great arrangement and we advocate for community- leader- representation to allow equal representation at the conference where nobody, group, professional body or individuals will start crying for marginalization.” According to the Group, the choice of those that would represent their people shouldn’t be lord over their people and called for election by each community, zones, constituencies, local governments and states to select who will represent them. The Group frowned at the level where the Chiefs, Obas and Emirs would hijack the process at the community level and appoint political stooges to represent their communities.
 “Everyone has to discuss on how we can live as one united nation and fashion out the best laws that can bring love and peace to Nigerians. And All State Women Association of Nigeria Worldwide; wishes to demand from President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan and the Senate President to consider the role of women in society when their fate would be discussed at the Confab”. The President General stated.
 She said that Nigerian women must be well represented at the Confab while calling on National Council Women Society of Nigeria (NCWS) to prepare well for the conference by employing the services of all the women NGOs in the country for the sovereign national conference, which Nnedum said must be based on representation from the grassroots from all the Nigeria communities.
“We are of the opinion that we will speak better as neutral and people that relates with the grassroots”.   
In another development, the Group condemned the killing of over 60 students in Borno by the Boko Haram goons and called for cease fire. The Association said it’s high time the Sect dropped their bombs and embrace peace for the continued existence of Nigeria.
Nnedum advocated that the Sectarian group should key into the opportunity provided by the President to come to the Confab and said their views on the way forward adding that the best way to let the nation know their  agitations was to go to the round-table conference.
“Under the arranged Confab, I think the opportunity for Boko Haram to speak is now. Let them come to the Confab and said their grievances”, Nnedum pleaded.
“We use this medium to appeal to Boko Haram to have a change of heart and use this 53rd independence anniversary of Nigeria, and the Confab to stop their deadly act. We also are not happy about it, as mothers. We are on our knees; we ask that they stop, whatever be the cause; let them allow it to be discussed at the Sovereign National Conference”.

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