Monday 21 April 2014

Why we are going on one week vigil---Prophet Ilongwo

For seven days running, starting from Good Friday, 18 April to 25TH April, the Power of the Holy Spirit Evangelical Ministry, Abule-Ado, area near International Trade Fair on the Lagos-Badagry Expressway, Lagos State, will be busy with Christian faithful who would converged at their praying ground and kept vigil till the next seven days in Easter feast retreat cum deliverance sessions. The Ministry shepherd by Prophet Cletus Chukwunwuba Ilongwo, popularly known as Obo Oku Jesus, and oje Na muo Jesus (flame of fire), the seer of the fast growing Ministry will be congregating to pray against evil forces, lack of breakthrough, barrenness, and unfulfilled dreams of the members, seeking salvation. The Ministry also said they will pray for the President Goodluck Jonathan and asked him to declare for the 2015 presidency, saying that God has mandated him to declare. In this interview with Emeka Ibemere, Prophet Ilongwo, said why he has not ate food cooked with fire in the last seven years.
Prophet, when is the Easter programme starting and what is the event, tagged?
The next programme will start by the 18 April starting from Good Friday night and run to Wednesday. So, it’s a week programme. There is no title for the programme. It as the Holy Spirit directs.
What is the event for?
It’s for good. There will be deliverance, healing and prayers for those seeking for the fruit of the womb. Within the week, we will have special attention for those seeking for the fruit of the womb but the event is for everybody who wants to be delivered from so many spiritual inhibitions and stumbling blocks that tied people down from progressing.
Our last programme here was something else. Somebody confessed how she was fighting her father in the spirit world. That for 30 years, she spiritually turned to lion in her family to attack her father.
She said her second grand-mother caused her the problem and that the old woman entered her to be attacking her father. She said whatever she does in the family that her father cannot appreciate her or thanks her for any good thing done for the family.
 According to her, she is the first daughter of the man but that her father doesn’t like her. So from there she made a covenant in her spiritual world that she was going to make her father miserable. She said she was giving the spirit of lion to start attacking her father.
According to her, the father went and buried a life-dog in their family, saying that anybody fighting him would be fought by a dog. And their war became lion and dog fight in their family. It was a serious case here that night that it took two hours for me to pray her out of the bondage.
There was a woman who gave birth after 14 years in your Ministry
Yes, it was around 1.30am in the morning and she was calling me but I refused to take the call because I sensed that something must be wrong and immediately went into prayers. For 30 minutes I was in prayer but few minutes later God revealed that she has put to the bed and I called her on phone she picked and said she had delivered. She gave birth to twins but one died. There was a nurse they told me that fainted immediately she put to bed and the evil ones wanted to use that lady as an obstacle but God delivered the woman.
People emphasis much importance on spiritual materials, like the ones your members are carrying and the woman said the materials helped her. Where do you get them and how effective are the materials?
I pray on them before they start using them. You can buy it from anywhere and bring them here and I will bless them and pray on them. It is about your faith. If you take it and you don’t have faith, it may not work for you. So it’s simply about your faith and the state of your mind. There are many evil powers in this world, and only strong faith in the power of the Holy Spirit that can safe us and not by any other powers. When you use some of the materials; they become effective with your faith in the creator. Like the spiritual soap, with your faith, it washes away some ancestral causes, bad luck, disappointments, evil attacks and so on. They work if you have faith.
What are expected from people attending the Easter one week vigil?  
We had already started 40 days fasting and prayer programme. The fasting will continue after the end of the Easter. The fasting is 6am to 3pm, every day. And it is general for everybody. There is Psalm to be read in line with the fasting together with prayer points. You know after this programme I have one big programme that normally comes up in every June. The programme is tagged: ‘forfeit something and get something’. You must sacrifice something for God to get something from Him.
It may be your favourite food, meat, drink, fruit anything that is special to you, must be forfeited to get something. On the first day of the programme, you will declare openly in a prayer session that thing you would wish to fulfil before God for the duration of the programme. But after that one month, you will start eating those things again.  
What is your message to Christians during this Easter celebration?
I want them to keep calm and continue in their prayers for Nigeria. They should not go looking for trouble or indulging in immoralities. To Nigerians, I said don’t allow those who don’t have the interest of this country at heart to deceive you and use you to ferment troubles. Don’t allow them to use you to do the destruction they want to do during this Easter period. Enjoy yourselves and pray for our leaders, especially, the President, Goodluck Jonathan. Don’t be involve in crimes, eat what your body can accommodate and don’t over feed your system what can destroy it. Remember, tomorrow is another day.
Do you have any other man of God that you are bringing to preach on that day?
No, and it’s not that I cannot bring them but I don’t want somebody who will leave what God wants and do his own. You don’t do the Will of man; you do the Will of God. When you invite somebody now, he will see the crowd and perhaps, government officials, and you said ‘ah Holy Spirit ministered to me now that so and so person bring this and that’, no I don’t want it. If you can work within the ambit of the Holy Spirit, I will invite you but if you are the type that works according to your imaginations, no way and I won’t give you chance.
What is your view about Nigeria being the biggest economy in Africa and after overtaking South Africa and as a man of God, do you see it as a reflection of good governance or wrong presumptions?
People don’t know the reason while God raised Goodluck up as the President of this country. But I want you to go and pray more for Jonathan and see more other things God will use him and do. In the next four years, you are going to see another Nigeria. Another dimension of Nigeria is on the way, especially in the next four years that the President was going to be there, and then you will know that God is behind this man every other Nigerian has denigrated. In this our one week Easter vigil session, we are going to pray for the country and most specially, the President throughout the programme and even after the programme because Bible said we should pray for our leaders.
The Boko Haram is self interest and there are lots of government officials sponsoring the gang, because they don’t like the man at the centre. They should understand that Nigeria belongs to all of us and not to a section of the country. What those sponsoring Boko Haram should know is that God raises a leader and there is no struggling over kingship. It is God that elects his leaders and not man.
Nigeria is a blessed country. We are there already not that we are getting there, no we are there already. In my next world i come as a Nigerian. It is a great country blessed and owned by God. We have everything, but we should pray for good leaders. Nigeria is not going to collapse or separate in 2015. Not now! God hasn’t said so. Don’t mind those prophets of doom. Nothing will happen, my brother. When i read all these newspapers: ‘blood will flow’, ‘we will shade blood’, they will do this and that and I laugh. It is not possible. In this country, that kind of thing will not happen again. Nigeria is owned by God and not by man. Politicians and people can say what they want to say, but God has the final word. Any person saying that Nigeria will separate in 2015 has no vision and anybody telling you that there will be war; go and mark it, there will be no war. They may kill people, cause riots but there won’t be war. In this country, people love money more than their life, because if you love God, you cannot kill. And those who have been beating the drums of war, if they see that there was going to be war, why not pray against it. Do you want people to die? You servant of God, do you want people, children to be killed and you are predicting war, blood sheds, why not pray and avert it. Who will they kill; Children of God, the masses, and the innocent people? The thing Nigerians and those predicting fights and war should do is to pray against it. I’m one of those praying and fasting against any form of war in 2015. Jonathan should not fear what he owns Nigerians is to declare.

How do you sustain your ministry especially, when you don’t collect offerings and you don’t emphasis much on tithe?
It’s not easy my brother.  When you want to serve God in truth and spirit, you must face greater challenges. You must suffer, just like our Lord Jesus Christ suffered. I cannot because of things of the world push myself into what God didn’t ask me to do. You know, those things are the things of the world. I have millionaires and billionaires in this ministry, but i cannot wake up in the morning to start taxing people because, i prayed for you and you build house or things start moving on well, and because of that i tax you which didn’t come from your mind, i might collect that money but before the presence of God is wrong. That is why i want to avoid certain things. Time will come when God will bring that money you are taxing people. Time will come when i will put money here and start sharing to members. There is no way God cannot help His people, He cannot deceive, God cannot lie and His words are true and real. Before i start my ministry, God called me to go and help people. My mission here is to help revive people, deliver them, heal them and help them to solve their problems. I cannot use the house of God to make money. Other people do it but not for me. I like unto God’s directives for anything I’m doing in this ministry. You saw the crowd here that day, people from all corners of Nigeria, the rich and executive people in government were here but i cannot because of the fact that they were here that day started collecting tithe and collecting offerings for 10 times in the name of God. Here, you come and pray yourself out and worship God and go. Or start telling you that God said you will die tomorrow, you pay N100,000,00, N2million, etc, i cannot do that and that is the reason we don’t collect offerings or talk about money here.
You are always fasting, don’t you think it can break you and affect your health?
It’s not possible. I don’t own myself. Listen, I always say it, I’m being controlled by the power of Holy Spirit. The bible told me that man cannot live by bread alone. And I have instruction from God concerning my fasting. I cannot do any deliverance without fasting. Let me tell you, I don’t drink water, i don’t eat cooked food, I don’t eat meat, or fish. Anything fire touched hasn’t entered my mouth in the last seven years. If God hasn’t said anything on it I will continue to fast. In more than seven years ago, I haven’t eating food touched with fire. It is the spirit of God that has been sustaining me all these years. The power of God in me keeps me strong and alive.

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