Thursday 9 April 2015

American prediction: Nigeria is owned by God and not America----Prophet Ilongwo

He was born with the multiple gifts of healing, singing, composing, writing music and praying with knowledge of identifying herbs that could be used in healing sick people and other ailments. At age six and in Primary three then, he could pray for the sick and administer herbs that could heal the sick but he never knew the imports of what was in him, until God called him one afternoon and like Samuel in the Bible; he went into prophet- hood. Today, his Ministry has grown. Prophet Cletus Chukwunwuba Ilongwo, popularly known as Obo Oku Jesus, and oje Na muo Jesus (flame of fire), the seer of the Holy Spirit Evangelical Ministry, Abulado near International Trade Fair on the Lagos
-Badagry Expressway, Lagos State told Emeka Ibemere, that Nigeria will not disintegrate after the general election.

Do you see it happening after this election that Nigeria will disintegrate in 2015?
 Let me be frank with you, nobody except God will divide or disintegrate this country. Everybody has right to say what he or she likes to say and I always say it, God has the final say. If God decides to say the country’s problem is so enormous that it needs to disintegrate, it’s only Him that can say and do that. It cannot be possible, its not now and it cannot be this year. As a prophet of God, I haven’t seen that because 2015, is the beginning of the second tenure of the good President Goodluck Jonathan and he still has four years to rule, so how can Nigeria divide. And I don’t see Goodluck dividing Nigeria and it’s not possible that the country will divide. I have always said it; let them know that this country is owned by God and not America.
 Again I want to warn those cursing the President or abusing him to desist from doing that because when you curse him; you curse yourself. When you abuse him, you also abuse yourself and if you cure your country you curse yourself because, you cannot build a house and destroy it. I advice people abusing the president to stop it and instead as the Bible suggested, pray for your leaders and forget about party, its about Nigeria’s interest and not party. Let’s join hands and pray for peace, unity, progress and development of the country for the benefit of us all. I want to tell the President to be calm, no fears and that what God has ordained He has ordained. He shouldn’t get distracted but focused on what he wants to do for the country and shouldn’t allow people to distract his attention for the good of the country. Good has ordained him to be president of this country and that is what its going to be. He will do his best and leave he is not the problem of the country. The country was in bad condition before he came in and he will do his best. I want to tell you that there is hand of God in Goodluck Jonathan’s life and nothing will happen to him.
Do you share views of those insinuating violence in this election.   
The security of every individual is in God’s own holy Hands, the security of countries is in God’s hands. It’s God who protects us, the President, the votes. We need prayer this time more than any other time. It’s not whether you are PDP or APC, APGA, UPN or any other party. We don’t need all these things now, what we need now is prayer for this country to move forward. People should know that Nigeria is at stake, we are talking about our lives because we are the people in this country. There will be no violence during, and after elections. There will be peaceful election, good and best election so far and I want to say something, Nigerians are the problems of Nigeria. We are the problem to ourselves because everybody wants it fast and quick and this why evil is everywhere in this country. We are the problems of this country. Many of us do not want God’s purpose and Will to take place in our lives. We want it according to the way we want it to happen to us. I have said it time without numbers; that the next world I will come, if there is any opportunity like that; I will come as a Nigerian. This country is so blessed with so many natural resources, name them! We are talking about Nigeria and not party, whatever anybody is planning to do, whether INEC boss, Jega is going to rig election, or not let them know that this country belongs to all of us and not to any individual or party.
Let’s digress a bit; People have argued that old age is important in leadership, because older person has advantage in terms of wisdom, experience, knowledge to cope with leadership challenges. What is your take?
Leadership is not a matter of old age, it’s about activeness. It’s about vitality and vigour and if you talk about wisdom and knowledge, as an older person, you can still bring and give it to younger ones as adviser, counsellor or as an elder statesman but for you at 73 to say you still wants to rule is very unfair.
So, you are saying Buhari should be playing a role of a statesman.
That’s what I’m saying. He supposed to be playing a role of a father, by his age, he is not supposed to contest for any elective post again. He supposed to be giving advice to the younger ones in politics.
Fraternity of men of God and politicians of recent is worrisome, is there any advice from you as a prophet of God to these men and women of God.
Many men of God cause problems in this country. Majority of them are causing poverty now in this country. They call themselves men of God they are not! They are men of money and not men of God because they are not doing well to this country. God called them to pray for this country, God called them to safe souls; God didn’t call them to purse politicians’ money. As they chase politicians around, they don’t give good prayers, counselling, preaching or see good visions again. They are not doing what they are supposed to do, again and that is why evil is everywhere in this country.
Watch them in the house of God today, offering is now five to 10 times, some will tell you Holy Spirit spoke to them while they haven’t heard from Holy Spirit; they don’t know how it looks like. They will tell you that Holy Spirit said 100 people should bring N1million, each and if 10 people comes out they will collect the money meanwhile, they have already said Holy Spirit said 100 people. If 100 plus half comes out that half should not be collected because Holy Spirit said 100, so because of that there are problems in the churches, and everywhere. Our own calling as men of God is to pray for our leaders, our country and our people. If men of God pray sincerely for this country without being money conscious, poverty will disappear; sickness will go in this country but majority of those who called themselves men of God are men of money.  We want it quick and with that kind of spirit, we go for evil things to actualise our plan. We see things as ‘do or die affairs’. But because they called themselves, they tend to do the things they are doing claiming Holy Spirit. Some of them have schools, hospitals, businesses, here and there, but if you go to the schools  owned by these men of God,  the school fees is higher than the government schools, its higher than privately own schools.
Go to their hospitals, it’s the same thing and most of the funding of such schools comes from the members of the church, and so what are we talking about. If your hospital is too expensive, then you are not a man of God. If your school is expensive more than government schools and private individuals, then search your conscience about your relationship with God, whom you are claiming to have called you to be His man. They cause from for children of God, they cause problems to the country and my advice to them is to go on their knees and ask God for His forgiveness and mercy because they have left their pastoral obligations and duties and are now pursuing money, and that money they are chasing is causing problems all over the country. They have misled their members into doing all manner of things to get money.

What advice do you have for them?
Let me say it there is destiny for everybody but we don’t want to wait on our destiny, we don’t want to wait on the Lord to do it for us, and by the time you do it yourself, you fail. Everybody wants government to do everything for him or but nobody wants to help another person. We go to prisons every year to feed them and when you go there you will know that people are not helping each other but we would want government to do everything to all of us. And you don’t need to wait until somebody approaches you to help one another orb the less privileged in our society. We didn’t wait for government to ask us to assist prisoners before we embarked on the project. If you know what you can do to eradicate poverty in this country, go ahead and do it. That is why I always say that you cannot do it without the grace of God. Many of them claimed that they have their callings from God and if you have calling from God, allow Him to lead you and not you leading yourself. But majority of them called themselves and not God because if God called you; you have lost your power to Him and your power is nothing before Him and He has power over you and He expects you to obey Him.

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